The Five-Minute Buddhist: Getting Started in Buddhism the Simple Way
by Brian Schell
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A jargon-free, plain language introduction to the foundational ideas of Buddhism and real-world tips for practicing Buddhism while balancing life in the real, modern world. This book goes easy on the mystical mumbo-jumbo and simply introduces the ideas that will help you live in the present and feel different about the world and your place in it.
Geared towards people who were raised outside of Asia and people with a secular or Christian background who want to learn more of the philosophy that can change your life. This toolkit gives short lessons in what Buddhism is, and more importantly, how to apply it in situations with which you are already very familiar.
Paperback Details
- Paperback: 152 pages
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1481950975
- ISBN-13: 978-1481950978